Pre-Primary Classes

·    We offer two years of pre-schooling starting with Lower KG.
·    Minimum age for registration to LKG is 4 years as on 1st April.
·    Admissions are made through interactions.

Personal Attention

Each class has a regular teacher to ensure personal attention. There are maids to attend to the needs of the kids from time to time.

Art, Craft & Calligraphy

To encourage creativity Art, Craft, Calligraphy and Music are made as essential parts of teaching.

Play Time

Swings, Slides, Cycling, Flash pool activities etc. are specially arranged for play time. Educational trips and picnics are annual features.

Social Education

Mutual understanding, sharing and respect are inculcated through group activities. Stories are narrated/read from books which support the class-room teaching also.

Academic Curriculum - Pre Primary
Play forms the key role for kindergarten while aiming at all round development of children. The formal pre-school education is imparted in natural situations and a general awareness is gradually cultivated to:-

- Learn to recite poems, verses, stories etc. in English and Hindi.
- Learn and read small words and small sentences.
- Learn to write in English and Hindi.
- Learn to write numbers upto 100, a little addition, subtraction and multiplication.
- Learn drawing and modeling of figures with pencils, crayons etc.
- Learn to cut and paste shapes and figures from paper and card board etc.